- 符合人體工學設計
- 由不鏽鋼及鐵製成,堅固耐用
- 具備兩組咖啡出口
- 具備二組蒸氣棒及一個熱水出口
- 附咖啡粉操作手把三支(單杯一支及雙杯兩支)
- 加大型觸控面板
- 沖煮按鍵 LED 燈顯示,設定操作簡單
- 高雅美背不鏽鋼外板
- 雙表針壓力表,掌控鍋爐壓力及馬達出水壓力
- 鍋爐容量 11 公升,充足供應熱水及蒸氣
- 電子式溫控設計,操控穩定
Ergonomic and sturdy, M27 RE is made of steel and aluminium and is equipped with a reliable and high performance fixed-nozzle thermosyphon system able to guarantee an excellent result in the cup. Available in the 2-group dosed and continuous versions, M27 RE features selection panels with prompt and precise push buttons (the chosen selection is signalled by a LED) and is available in black. The wide logo strip on the front of M27 RE is ideal for adding your own personalisation.